Bringing New Life To The Family

One of the foremost Christian voices in the world regarding the subject of manhood was Dr. Ed Cole. In his classic book, Maximized Manhood, Dr. Cole made the following statement:
The ability to procreate is not necessarily the evidence of manhood. Some men are mature at seventeen. Others are immature at seventy. Churches are afflicted with immature males--men who have shamefully forfeited spiritual leadership, abandoning it to the women. Having successfully turned over the reins of discipline in the home, the man now moves to slough off his responsibility in the church. In parish after parish, women exercise the gifts of the Spirit; women teach, organize, lead, and funnel the praises and worship to the Father. It is possible to get spirituality from women, but strength always comes from men.
A church, a family, a nation is only as strong as its men."
Wow! What a statement! A church, a family, a nation is only as strong as its men. If this statement is true, and I believe it is, it is an absolute necessity for churches to provide training on what God expects of men. It has been said, The only thing needed for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Looking at society today, don’t you think it’s time to do something? We believe it is past time, and we’re calling all men everywhere to MAN UP!
Our Purpose
It is the purpose of M3 Men’s Ministry to help men understand their God-given role in the home, the church, the workplace, the community, and the world at large. We cannot underestimate the importance of being a godly man in each of these areas of life!
To help men achieve this goal, we have developed a discipleship/mentorship program called Man University to provide mentorship for men in their roles as a man, husband, father, church leader, and employer/employee. We want to discover what God has to say about what He desires out of men, and not just rely upon the information provided to us by a culture we are commanded in scripture to not emulate.
Our Schedule
Our ministry is led by Dustin Otto. The M3 Men's Ministry meets on the third Friday night of each month at 7:00 PM in the church fellowship hall for a meal and Bible study.. We also have periodic activities such as going to ball games, camping, eating out, boating, etc... Man Up usually gives each man who attends a small amount of money to go toward their meal or activity. We not only want to grow together, we want to have fun together as well.
Let’s get connected and make a difference. The times are calling for men to MAN UP!